Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton’s full name is William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton, is the Ex-president of United States of America and is a famous American politician known worldwide for his many episodes happened during his term in the White House as American President. He saw the light on 19th August, 1946 in Arkansas State of United States.

Leadership skills developed in Bill Clinton during college days and he was quite a vociferous person in public life. His love for music was well known to his friends in Georgetown University, where he was Phi Beta Kappa and later on he got Rhodes scholarship to attend the University of Oxford, where he studies Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

Bill Clinton later joined Yale Law School and after graduation from Yale Law School returned to Arkansas and became a law professor at the University of Arkansas. In year 1974, Bill Clinton ran for House of Representatives but lost to Republican Candidate. In year 1976, Bill Clinton was elected Arkansas Attorney General.

Later on in year 1978, Bill Clinton was elected as Governor of Arkansas. He becomes the youngest governor in the United States at the age of 32. Because of his young age, he was also called as the “Boy Governor”. Bill Clinton as the Governor of Arkansas, worked on educational reform and Arkansas’s roads. Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary Clinton led a successful committee on urban health care reform.

Bill Clinton was reelected as the Governor in 1982 and kept this job for almost ten years. Arkansas economy transformed significantly during his governorship which helped improving state’s educational system also. Bill Clinton was now becoming a famous beyond the boundary of Arkansas. Bill Clinton made economic growth, job creation and educational improvement his priorities.

Later on during 1993 to 2001, he served as the 42nd President of the United States and was the third youngest president of United States at the age of 46. He took the office at the end of the Cold Ware, faced many difficult situation while in office. His tenure as President was also scandalous and faced the charge of perjury. After relinquishing the post of president, he has been involved in public speaking and humanitarian work.

Surya Prakash Arya

Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, India
(Views are personal)

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